Saturday, November 19, 2011

as I fall on my knees

It is my heart's battle against itself to refuse frustration, to ward off drown myself in the all sufficient cup of the Father in avoidance of my heart shriveling up. Waiting, is a momentary struggle.

Keep my eyes fixed on You. Remind me of Your promises, that You are refining me, leading me. Rid me of all emotions that deprive me of Your holiness. Thank You, for allowing me to experience Your grace, though I am eternally undeserving.

I feel as though I am often falling on my knees, in desperate search for You. Grow me as I fall on my knees. Under You, I fall on my knees in humble submission.
As I fall on my knees again and again, Yahweh Shammah, 'the Lord is there'.


  1. HI, are you a missionary in Croatia? Where u from? As I was browsing my twitter, I ran into your profile. Our church would like to take a missions trip to Croatia!

  2. Hi! I was a missionary there. Praying the Lord takes me back! That would be awesome, keep pursing it! The Gospel is desperately needed there, and the missionaries there are in need of support!
